Tonight our toddler was in a helpful mood before bed (we call this stalling). He helped fold a couple (or four) loads of laundry, and then helped collect the dirty laundry that had somehow magically not made it down the laundry chute and instead had remained on the floor of the bathrooms…and the bedrooms…and the stairs…
Crazy stuff, laundry.
Anyway, he helped carry the basket of dirty laundry to the laundry room, and then proudly exclaimed, “I will put them in the washing machine all by myself.”
My wife happily obliged by leaving the room and letting the ‘big boy’ work. She later returned and started the load.
Nice story, huh?
Well, an hour later, the task of moving the laundry from the washer to the dryer fell to me. As I opened the door I was surprised to find that we had washed something a little extra.
- An extra laundry item
Unsurprisingly, the bottle feels a little lighter than it did yesterday. Hmm, wonder why?
Oh well at least this load definitely is stain free!